@Nitta Dental Office, the forerunner of todayfs Nitta Dental Clinic, was
established by former clinic director Nitta Tsutomu on the premises of
Osaka International Airport in 1960, immediately after the airport was
returned to Japanese control from U.S. occupation forces. In those days,
Japan lagged far behind the rest of the world in the field of dentistry.
So Dr. Nitta, who was trained in the U.S. in the latest treatment techniques
of that time, adopted the philosophy of gpracticing world-class dentistry
at a dental office located at the gateway to Japan,h and the Nitta Dental
Office has provided dental treatment at the airport for 44 years, thanks
to the support from a great many people, including airport workers, airline
passengers and neighborhood residents.
@I joined Nitta Dental Office in 1985. Throughout my career here, one thought
has occupied my mind: gWhatfs lacking in todayfs dentistry in Japan? When
you get tooth decay, you have it treated. When that tooth gets bad again,
you have it extracted. This continues on until eventually all the teeth
are lost and replaced by full dentures. This is the most common pattern
of oral deterioration seen in a typical Japanese person. Is there a way
to break this pattern and enable people to keep their own teeth throughout
their life?h With primary emphasis on prevention and maintenance, I searched
for a way to realize the concept of preventive/maintenance dentistry. This
quest led me to establish Nitta Dental Clinic in May 2004.
@When I say gprevention,h I mean: preventing an oral disease that has not
yet occurred; if a disease has already developed, detecting and treating
it at its early stages so that oral functions wonft be impaired; and if
the functional impairment has already occurred, restoring the original
function and improving the oral environment to prevent future recurrence
of the impairment. By gmaintenanceh I mean curing the disease and preventing
recurrence by maintaining healthy conditions. I firmly believe that what
is needed most in todayfs dentistry is practicing prevention and maintenance
with gminimal intervention,h in consideration of the time and financial
convenience of patients who visit the dentistfs office.
@ Nitta Dental Clinic offers dental care under the basic management policy
of gprotecting and improving dental health through collaboration with patients
and providing dental care services of the highest possible quality in the
areas of prevention and treatment.h
This site has been created to describe the philosophy and treatment procedures
of our clinic, with the aim of making people who visit our clinic feel
reassured about the treatment.
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.
Nitta Tomohiro, Clinic Director |
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Striving to improve patientsf oral health by offering exhaustive dental
care services, thereby contributing to society. |
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Engaging in the pursuit of a richer sense of humanity and professional
skills development through daily practice of dentistry. |
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Always keeping a deep sense of gratitude to all the people who support
our clinic. |
Nitta Dental Clinic embraces the above three-point basic treatment policy
and, as a responsible member of society, is committed to making maximum
efforts to provide people with better dental care services. |
When it comes to dental treatment, do you happen to think that drilling,
filling, or capping solves dental problems? Have you ever experienced aching
in a tooth that was treated before, or been forced to return to the dentist
for further treatment? Do your teeth deteriorate with age even though they
are treated with the latest technique or youfve paid expensive treatment
fees? Is prevention not possible?
œAs long as underlying causes persist, the disease will occur over and
over again!
@Most common conditions responsible for tooth destruction or tooth loss
include dental caries, periodontal diseases and improper occlusion. Dental
caries and periodontal diseases will ensue when unhealthy living habits„Ÿsuch
as improper diet, improper brushing of teeth (plaque control) and smoking„Ÿstimulate
activities of bacteria to such a level that they overwhelm the resistance
of the body.
@Tooth decay or periodontal diseases do not develop just because youfve
eaten too many sweets at one time or missed brushing your teeth just once,
but because improper diet or incorrect brushing has become a part of your
@Thus, no matter what good restoration work you may receive, the disease
is bound to recur at some point in the future if you leave the root cause
(living habits) or incorrect occlusion unattended.
œDo teeth deteriorate with age?
It seems to me that quite a few people think that teeth will deteriorate
with age even though they have them treated properly or no matter how well
they are cared for. Do teeth necessarily degenerate with age? Ifll tell
you, the answer is no.
@According to statistics, the number of lost teeth indeed increases as
people age.
However, the major cause of tooth loss is dental caries and periodontal
@Tooth decay and periodontal diseases are caused by bacterial activities.
Now that the cause is known, prevention is possible except in special cases.
@The higher rate of tooth loss among the elderly population is attributable
to none other than the fact that they have been exposed to the effects
of bacterial activities or incorrect occlusion for a longer period of time
because of their advanced age.
@ At any age, you can not only reverse conditions but also maintain oral
health (prevention of recurrence) by acquiring correct knowledge about
prevention, improving your living habits and receiving appropriate treatment.
At Nitta Dental Clinic, under the slogan of gpracticing dentistry that delivers long-life treatment,h we make a customized treatment plan for individual patients, based on
meticulous examination and diagnosis, and provide the best dental therapy
that addresses the needs of each patient.
@ Even after conclusion of the treatment, we devote all our energies to
prevention of recurrence of the disease, drawing on the latest findings
in preventive dentistry. We aspire to provide dental care designed to protect
and improve oral health through collaboration with patients, so that all
our patients may enjoy the full benefit of a ghealthy mouthh throughout
their life.
Nitta Tomohiro, Clinic Director |